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Resolver problemas do mundo real

Os projetos permitem que você aplique suas habilidades usando ferramentas como o Data Notebooks e conclua uma análise de dados do início ao fim.

  • Aprenda a programar por conta própria
  • Crie seu próprio portfólio
  • Obtenha experiência no mundo real

Procurar projetos

72 projetos


Analyzing Online Sports Revenue

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.6+
  • 390

Analyze product data for an online sports retail company to optimize revenue.

Manipulação de dados

1-2 hours


Assessing Customer Churn Using Machine Learning

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.7+
  • 388

Build models predicting customer churn for Indian telecom customers.

Manipulação de dados, Machine learning

1-2 hours


Word Frequency in Moby Dick

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 387

Use web scraping and NLP to find the most frequent words in classic literature: Herman Melvilles novel, Moby Dick.

Programação em Python, Desenvolvimento de software

1-2 hours


Predicting Temperature in London

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 4.4+
  • 381

Perform a machine learning experiment to find the best model that predicts the temperature in London!

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Analyzing Flight Delays and Cancellations

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.3+
  • 370

Examine flight delays & cancellations to uncover insights.

Manipulação de dados, Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


Finding Exchange Rates for International Sales

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 353

Query the VatComply API to gather exchange rate information and incorporate into a sales orders dataset!

Desenvolvimento de software, Manipulação de dados

Less than 15 minutes


Taxi Route Optimization with Reinforcement Learning

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.3+
  • 344

Solve the Taxi-v3 environment using Q-learning, ensuring efficient AI-driven transportation.

Machine learning, Inteligência artificial

1-2 hours


Monitoring A Financial Fraud Detection Model

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 4.5+
  • 342

Help the bank monitoring their fraud detection model and figuring out why its not performing as expected.

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Examining the History of Lego Sets

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 333

Use a variety of data manipulation techniques to explore different aspects of Legos history.

Manipulação de dados

Less than 1 hour


Topic Analysis of Clothing Reviews with Embeddings

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.8+
  • 322

Analyze clothing reviews on an e-commerce platform to explore different topics and similarities among them.

Inteligência artificial

1-2 hours


Building an E-Commerce Clothing Classifier Model with Keras

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 315

Automate e-commerce processes with image classification.

Machine learning, Inteligência artificial

1-2 hours


Understanding Subscription Behaviors

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.3+
  • 310

Analyze subscription data for a SaaS company to identify what drives customer subscription renewals.

Manipulação de dados

Less than 15 minutes


What Makes a Good Book?

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.0+
  • 302

Generate features from text and numeric variables to predict the popularity of books.

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Uncovering the Worlds Oldest Businesses

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.2+
  • 298

Use joining techniques to discover the oldest businesses in the world.

Manipulação de dados

1-2 hours


Inspecting Electric Vehicle Charging Trends

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 293

Chart electric vehicle charging trends to inform strategic planning.

Manipulação de dados, Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


Detect Traffic Signs with Deep Learning

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 4.2+
  • 282

Enhancing Transportation Safety through Traffic Sign Detection

Inteligência artificial

1-2 hours


Generating Keywords for Search Campaigns

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.2+
  • 279

Automatically generate keywords for a search engine marketing campaign using Python to send website visitors to the right landing page.

Manipulação de dados

1-2 hours


Debugging Code

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.0+
  • 271

Sharpen your debugging skills to enhance sales data accuracy.

Desenvolvimento de software

Less than 1 hour


Building a Retail Inventory Management System

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 3.5+
  • 265

Develop an inventory management system for a retail business using OOP in Python.

Desenvolvimento de software

Less than 1 hour


Stock Trading Simulation with Gymnasium

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 4.6+
  • 261

Train a simple reinforcement learning agent in stock trading simulation.

Inteligência artificial

1-2 hours


Building Core Sign-Up Functions to Help Validate New Users

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 261

Create custom Python functions to validate user input!

Desenvolvimento de software

Less than 1 hour


Compare Baseball Player Statistics using Visualizations

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.8+
  • 235

Use MLBs Statcast data to compare New York Yankees sluggers Aaron Judge and Giancarlo Stanton.

Visualização de dados

1-2 hours


Reveal Categories Found in Data

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.6+
  • 213

Apply clustering and NLP techniques to sort text data from negative reviews in the Google Play Store into categories.

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Dr. Semmelweis and the Importance of Handwashing

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.3+
  • 190

Reanalyze the data behind one of the most important discoveries of modern medicine: handwashing.

Probabilidade e estatística

1-2 hours


Classifying Emails using Llama

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 183

Build an AI-powered inbox assistant to classify your emails using Llama.

Inteligência artificial

1-2 hours


Analyze Your Stock Portfolio for Risks and Returns

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 174

Use mean-variance optimization to find optimal portfolio weights and then check how well they would have performed.

Finanças aplicadas

1-2 hours


Time Series Analysis for Transportation

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 4.4+
  • 169

Explore transportation time series data analysis to uncover patterns and forecast travel costs.

Probabilidade e estatística

1-2 hours


Combating Subscriber Churn with Targeted Marketing

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.5+
  • 168

Leverage machine learning algorithms and models for marketing analytics tasks in a streaming platform.

Machine learning

1-2 hours


Analyzing River Thames Water Levels

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.3+
  • 158

Apply your data manipulation skills to time series data on water levels of the River Thames.

Programação em Python, Manipulação de dados

1-2 hours


Food Image Classification with Hugging Face

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.5+
  • 145

Classify food images using Hugging Face models, automatically recognizing and categorizing food items.

Inteligência artificial

1-2 hours

Explore todas as tecnologias

PythonSQLPower BITableauGoogle SheetsExcelAlteryxAWSDockerSparkShellAzure

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