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Roy Wang has completed

Introduction to Machine Learning

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Course Description

This online machine learning course is perfect for those who have a solid basis in R and statistics, but are complete beginners with machine learning. After a broad overview of the discipline's most common techniques and applications, you'll gain more insight into the assessment and training of different machine learning models. The rest of the course is dedicated to a first reconnaissance with three of the most basic machine learning tasks: classification, regression and clustering.
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  1. 1

    What is Machine Learning


    In this first chapter, you get your first intro to machine learning. After learning the true fundamentals of machine learning, you'll experiment with the techniques that are explained in more detail in future chapters.

    Play Chapter Now
    Machine Learning: What's the challenge?
    50 xp
    Acquainting yourself with the data
    100 xp
    What is, what isn't?
    50 xp
    What is, what isn't? (2)
    50 xp
    Basic prediction model
    100 xp
    Classification, Regression, Clustering
    50 xp
    Classification, regression or clustering?
    50 xp
    Classification: Filtering spam
    100 xp
    Regression: LinkedIn views for the next 3 days
    100 xp
    Clustering: Separating the iris species
    100 xp
    Supervised vs. Unsupervised
    50 xp
    Getting practical with supervised learning
    100 xp
    How to do unsupervised learning (1)
    100 xp
    How to do unsupervised learning (2)
    100 xp
    Tell the difference
    50 xp
  2. 5


    As an unsupervised learning technique, clustering requires a different approach than the ones you have seen in the previous chapters. How can you cluster? When is a clustering any good? All these questions will be answered; you'll also learn about k-means clustering and hierarchical clustering along the way. At the end of this chapter and our machine learning video tutorials, you’ll have a basic understanding of all the main principles.

    Play Chapter Now


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Collaborator's avatar
Filip Schouwenaars
Vincent Vankrunkelsven HeadshotVincent Vankrunkelsven

Data Science Instructor at DataCamp

Vincent has a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence, and has more than 3 years of experience with machine learning problems of different kinds. He experienced first-hand the difficulties that come with building and assessing machine learning systems. This made him passionate about teaching people how to do machine learning the right way.
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