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Luiz Felipe Pereira Figueiredo has completed

Introduction to R

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4 hours
6,200 XP
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Course Description

Learn R Programming

R programming language is a useful tool for data scientists, analysts, and statisticians, especially those working in academic settings. R's ability to handle complex analyses such as machine learning, financial modeling, and more makes it a valuable asset for a wide range of data-related tasks.

This introduction to R course covers the basics of this open source language, including vectors, factors, lists, and data frames. You’ll gain useful coding skills and be ready to start your own data analysis in R.

Gain an Introduction to R

You’ll get started with basic operations, like using the console as a calculator and understanding basic data types in R. Once you’ve had a chance to practice, you’ll move on to creating vectors and try out your new R skills on a data set based on betting in Las Vegas.

Next, you’ll learn how to work with matrices in R, learning how to create them, and perform calculations with them. You’ll also examine how R uses factors to store categorical data. Finally, you’ll explore how to work with R data frames and lists.

Master the R Basics for Data Analysis

By the time you’ve completed our Introduction to R course, you’ll be able to use R for your own data analysis. These sought-after skills can help you progress in your career and set you up for further learning. This course is part of several tracks, including Data Analyst with R, Data Scientist with R, and R Programming, all of which can help you develop your knowledge.
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  1. 1

    Intro to basics


    Take your first steps with R. In this chapter, you will learn how to use the console as a calculator and how to assign variables. You will also get to know the basic data types in R. Let's get started.

    Play Chapter Now
    How it works
    100 xp
    Arithmetic with R
    100 xp
    Variable assignment
    100 xp
    Variable assignment (2)
    100 xp
    Variable assignment (3)
    100 xp
    Apples and oranges
    100 xp
    Basic data types in R
    100 xp
    What's that data type?
    100 xp
  2. 3


    In this chapter, you will learn how to work with matrices in R. By the end of the chapter, you will be able to create matrices and understand how to do basic computations with them. You will analyze the box office numbers of the Star Wars movies and learn how to use matrices in R. May the force be with you!

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  3. 4


    Data often falls into a limited number of categories. For example, human hair color can be categorized as black, brown, blond, red, grey, or white—and perhaps a few more options for people who color their hair. In R, categorical data is stored in factors. Factors are very important in data analysis, so start learning how to create, subset, and compare them now.

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  4. 5

    Data frames

    Most datasets you will be working with will be stored as data frames. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to create a data frame, select interesting parts of a data frame, and order a data frame according to certain variables.

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  5. 6


    As opposed to vectors, lists can hold components of different types, just as your to-do lists can contain different categories of tasks. This chapter will teach you how to create, name, and subset these lists.

    Play Chapter Now
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In other tracks

R Programming Fundamentals
Jonathan Cornelissen HeadshotJonathan Cornelissen

Co-founder of DataCamp

Jonathan Cornelissen is one of the co-founders of DataCamp and the initial DataCamp CEO, and is interested in everything related to data science, education and entrepreneurship. He holds a PhD in financial econometrics, and was the original author of an R package for quantitative finance.

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