Data Visualization Courses
Learn to create data visualizations, an essential part of finding and communicating insights from data, that help businesses make better decisions and drive growth. Companies worldwide need people who know how to turn raw data into visualizations that are accessible and get straight to the heart of the issue.
- Self Paced Learning
- Code from Day One
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Data Visualization Courses for Beginners
Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib
Learn how to create, customize, and share data visualizations using Matplotlib.
Ariel Rokem
Senior Data Scientist, University of Washington
Introduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2
Learn to produce meaningful and beautiful data visualizations with ggplot2 by understanding the grammar of graphics.
Rick Scavetta
Rick Scavetta is a co-founder of Scavetta Academy.
Introduction to Data Visualization with Seaborn
Learn how to create informative and attractive visualizations in Python using the Seaborn library.
Erin Case
Data Scientist
Data Visualization for Everyone
An introduction to data visualization with no coding involved.
Richie Cotton
Curriculum Architect at DataCamp
Introduction to Tableau
Get started with Tableau, a widely used business intelligence (BI) and analytics software to explore, visualize, and securely share data.
Hadrien Lacroix
Curriculum Manager at DataCamp
Introduction to Power BI
Gain a 360° overview of how to explore and use Power BI to build impactful reports.
Sara Billen
Curriculum Manager at DataCamp
Data Visualization in R
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to working with base graphics in R.
Ronald Pearson
PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from M.I.T.
Creating Dashboards in Tableau
Dashboards are a must-have in a data-driven world. Increase your impact on business performance with Tableau dashboards.
Hadrien Lacroix
Curriculum Manager at DataCamp
Communicating with Data in the Tidyverse
Leverage the power of tidyverse tools to create publication-quality graphics and custom-styled reports that communicate your results.
Timo Grossenbacher
Project Lead Automated Journalism at Tamedia
Building Dashboards with Dash and Plotly
Learn how to build interactive and insight-rich dashboards with Dash and Plotly.
Alex Scriven
Data Scientist @ New South Wales Government
Data Visualization Courses with Python
Building Dashboards with Dash and Plotly
Learn how to build interactive and insight-rich dashboards with Dash and Plotly.
Alex Scriven
Data Scientist @ New South Wales Government
Introduction to Data Visualization with Plotly in Python
Create interactive data visualizations in Python using Plotly.
Alex Scriven
Data Scientist @ New South Wales Government
Intermediate Data Visualization with Seaborn
Use Seaborn's sophisticated visualization tools to make beautiful, informative visualizations with ease.
Chris Moffitt
Creator of Practical Business Python
Improving Your Data Visualizations in Python
Learn to construct compelling and attractive visualizations that help communicate results efficiently and effectively.
Nicholas Strayer
Biostatistician at Vanderbilt
Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh
Learn how to create interactive data visualizations, including building and connecting widgets using Bokeh!
George Boorman
Core Curriculum Manager, DataCamp
Data Visualization Courses with R
Data Visualization in R
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to working with base graphics in R.
Ronald Pearson
PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from M.I.T.
Intermediate Data Visualization with ggplot2
Learn to use facets, coordinate systems and statistics in ggplot2 to create meaningful explanatory plots.
Rick Scavetta
Rick Scavetta is a co-founder of Scavetta Academy.
Communicating with Data in the Tidyverse
Leverage the power of tidyverse tools to create publication-quality graphics and custom-styled reports that communicate your results.
Timo Grossenbacher
Project Lead Automated Journalism at Tamedia
Visualization Best Practices in R
Learn to effectively convey your data with an overview of common charts, alternative visualization types, and perception-driven style enhancements.
Nicholas Strayer
Biostatistician at Vanderbilt
Interactive Data Visualization with plotly in R
Learn to create interactive graphics entirely in R with plotly.
Adam Loy
Assistant Professor of Statistics at Carleton College
Interactive Data Visualization with rbokeh
Learn rbokeh: a visualization library for interactive web-based plots.
Omayma Said
Data Scientist
Data Visualization with lattice in R
Learn to visualize multivariate datasets using lattice graphics.
Deepayan Sarkar
Member of R-Core & the creator of lattice
Popular Data Visualization Courses
Introduction to Power BI
Gain a 360° overview of how to explore and use Power BI to build impactful reports.
Sara Billen
Curriculum Manager at DataCamp
Introduction to Tableau
Get started with Tableau, a widely used business intelligence (BI) and analytics software to explore, visualize, and securely share data.
Hadrien Lacroix
Curriculum Manager at DataCamp
Data Visualization in R
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to working with base graphics in R.
Ronald Pearson
PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from M.I.T.
Creating Dashboards in Tableau
Dashboards are a must-have in a data-driven world. Increase your impact on business performance with Tableau dashboards.
Hadrien Lacroix
Curriculum Manager at DataCamp
Data Visualization in Power BI
Power BI is a powerful data visualization tool that can be used in reports and dashboards.
Kevin Feasel
CTO, Envizage
Communicating with Data in the Tidyverse
Leverage the power of tidyverse tools to create publication-quality graphics and custom-styled reports that communicate your results.
Timo Grossenbacher
Project Lead Automated Journalism at Tamedia
Interactive Maps with leaflet in R
Learn how to produce interactive web maps with ease using leaflet.
Rich Majerus
Assistant Vice President at Colby College
Building Dashboards with Dash and Plotly
Learn how to build interactive and insight-rich dashboards with Dash and Plotly.
Alex Scriven
Data Scientist @ New South Wales Government
Practice Data Visualization with Templates, Tutorials, and Cheat Sheets
Python Data Visualization: Bokeh Cheat Sheet
A handy cheat sheet for interactive plotting and statistical charts with Bokeh.
Karlijn Willems
Matplotlib Cheat Sheet: Plotting in Python
This Matplotlib cheat sheet introduces you to the basics that you need to plot your data with Python and includes code samples.
Karlijn Willems
Python Seaborn Cheat Sheet
This Python Seaborn cheat sheet with code samples guides you through the data visualization library that is based on Matplotlib.
Karlijn Willems
Data Visualisation with Tableau
In this tutorial, you will learn how to analyze and display data using Tableau and make better, more data-driven decisions.
Parul Pandey
Data Visualization with Power BI
Learn how to analyze and display data using Power BI and make better, more data-driven decisions.
Parul Pandey
Altair in Python Tutorial: Data Visualization
Learn how to create data visualizations in Python using Altair and a Movies Dataset.
Sejal Jaiswal
Visualize Missing Data with VIM Package
Learn to use data visualization tools provided by the VIM package to gain quick insights into the missing data patterns.