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Introduction to Bash Scripting

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Aktualisierte 02.2025
Bash scripting allows you to build analytics pipelines in the cloud and work with data stored across multiple files.
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Bash is a concise, superfast, and robust scripting language for data and file manipulation. It’s a vital skill for building analytics pipelines in the cloud, favored by Linux users to work with data stored across multiple files. In this course, we’ll guide you through the basics of Bash scripting. We begin with an introduction to Bash script structures, including inputting arguments and outputting results. You’ll then work through data structures, such as variables and arrays, and control statements, including loops and conditionals. You’ll then put what you’ve learned into practice, by creating your own Bash functions and scheduling automated scripts to run like clockwork with cron.


Introduction to Shell

From Command-Line to Bash Script

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Variables in Bash Scripting

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Control Statements in Bash Scripting

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Functions and Automation

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Introduction to Bash Scripting

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