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Resolver problemas del mundo real

Los proyectos te permiten aplicar tus conocimientos utilizando herramientas como los cuadernos de datos y completar un análisis de datos de principio a fin.

  • Aprende a programar por tu cuenta
  • Construye tu propia cartera
  • Adquiere experiencia en el mundo real

Explorar proyectos

129 proyectos


Investigating Netflix Movies

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 25.9K

Apply the foundational Python skills you learned in Introduction to Python and Intermediate Python by manipulating and visualizing movie data.

Manipulación de datos, Visualización de datos

1-2 hours


Analyzing Students Mental Health

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.2+
  • 21.2K

Use your data manipulation skills to perform exploratory data analysis on a dataset around student mental health.

Gestión de datos

1-2 hours


Introduction to Notebook Projects

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.3+
  • 18.8K

Get up to speed with notebook based projects. This will prepare you for your first Python, SQL & R projects.

Less than 15 minutes


Exploring NYC Public School Test Result Scores

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.2+
  • 6.8K

Use data manipulation and summary statistics to analyze test scores across New York Citys public schools!

Análisis exploratorio de datos

Less than 1 hour


Analyzing Crime in Los Angeles

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.6+
  • 5.9K

Find out when and where crime is most likely to occur, along with the types of crimes commonly committed in LA.

Manipulación de datos, Análisis exploratorio de datos

Less than 1 hour


Predictive Modeling for Agriculture

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.3+
  • 3.6K

Dive into agriculture using supervised machine learning and feature selection to aid farmers in crop cultivation and solve real-world problems.

Programación en Python, Machine Learning, Desarrollo de software

1-2 hours


Visualizing the History of Nobel Prize Winners

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 3.5K

Explore a dataset containing a centurys worth of Nobel Laureates. Who won? Who got snubbed?

Manipulación de datos, Visualización de datos

1-2 hours


Analyzing Motorcycle Part Sales

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 4.0+
  • 3.1K

Derive insights about motorcycle part sales over time across multiple warehouse sites!

Manipulación de datos, Informes

1-2 hours


Analyze International Debt Statistics

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.2+
  • 3.1K

Write SQL queries to answer interesting questions about international debt using data from The World Bank.

Manipulación de datos

Less than 1 hour


Dr. Semmelweis and the Importance of Handwashing

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 3.8+
  • 2.7K

Reanalyze the data behind one of the most important discoveries of modern medicine: handwashing.

Manipulación de datos, Visualización de datos

1-2 hours


Exploring Airbnb Market Trends

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.3+
  • 2.4K

Apply your data importing, cleaning and manipulation skills to explore New York City Airbnb data.

Programación en Python, Manipulación de datos

1-2 hours


Analyze the Popularity of Programming Languages

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 3.8+
  • 2.4K

Analyze the popularity of programming languages over time based on Stack Overflow data.

Manipulación de datos

Less than 1 hour


Analyzing Industry Carbon Emissions

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.2+
  • 2.2K

Use your SQL skills to explore a dataset about product carbon emissions.

Manipulación de datos

Less than 1 hour


Cleaning Bank Marketing Campaign Data

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.2+
  • 2.1K

Tidy a bank marketing campaign dataset by splitting it into subsets, updating values, converting data types, and storing it as multiple csv files.

Desarrollo de software

Less than 1 hour


When Was the Golden Era of Video Games?

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.3+
  • 2.1K

Use SQL to figure out the golden era of video games!

Manipulación de datos

Less than 15 minutes


Creating Functions to Register App Users

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 1.9K

Define functions to catch errors when new users register for an app!

Desarrollo de software

1-2 hours


Data-Driven Product Management: Conducting a Market Analysis

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.0+
  • 1.7K

Explore local and global fitness trends to identify product niches. Investigate online interest in gyms, workouts, digital services, and web apps.

Programación en Python, Manipulación de datos

1-2 hours


Clustering Antarctic Penguin Species

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.4+
  • 1.7K

Arctic Penguin Exploration: Unraveling Clusters in the Icy Domain with K-means Clustering

Machine Learning

1-2 hours


Hypothesis Testing with Mens and Womens Soccer Matches

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 1.6K

Perform a hypothesis test to determine if more goals are scored in womens soccer matches than mens!

Probabilidad y estadística

1-2 hours


Customer Analytics: Preparing Data for Modeling

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 1.5K

Apply your knowledge of data types and categorical data to prepare a big dataset for modeling!

Manipulación de datos

1-2 hours


Modeling Car Insurance Claim Outcomes

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.4+
  • 1.4K

Clean customer data and use logistic regression to predict whether people will make a claim on their car insurance!

Machine Learning, Probabilidad y estadística

1-2 hours


Exploring Londons Travel Network

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 1.4K

Use SQL to analyze a database containing information about Transport for London journeys over 12 years!

Ingeniería de datos, Análisis exploratorio de datos, Almacén de datos

Less than 1 hour


Analyzing Unicorn Companies

  • AdvancedSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 1.3K

Use your SQL skills to find out how many companies reached a valuation of over $1 billion across different industries between 2019 and 2021!

Desarrollo de software

1-2 hours


Planning a Trip to Paris with the OpenAI API

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 3.7+
  • 1.3K

Use OpenAIs powerful API to answer questions about tourist attractions in Paris.

Inteligencia artificial

Less than 1 hour


Predicting Movie Rental Durations

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 1.2K

Build a regression model for a DVD rental firm to predict rental duration. Evaluate models to recommend the best one.

Machine Learning

1-2 hours


Building a Retail Data Pipeline

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.7+
  • 1.2K

Test your Data engineering skills by creating a data pipeline to analyze E-commerce business of Walmart!

Programación en Python, Manipulación de datos, Ingeniería de datos

Less than 15 minutes


Analyzing Electric Vehicle Charging Habits

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.4+
  • 1.1K

Analyze data about electronic vehicle charging behavior to better use shared charging stations.

Análisis exploratorio de datos

Less than 1 hour


Exploring Trends in American Baby Names

  • BeginnerSkill Level
  • 4.1+
  • 1K

Use categorization and ranking techniques to explore 101 years of American baby names.

Manipulación de datos

Less than 1 hour


Predicting Credit Card Approvals

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 4.3+
  • 1K

Build a machine learning model to predict if a credit card application will get approved.

Programación en Python, Machine Learning

1-2 hours


Factors that Fuel Student Performance

  • IntermediateSkill Level
  • 3.9+
  • 992

Use SQL to analyze a database containing information about Student performance!

Análisis exploratorio de datos, Ingeniería de datos

Less than 1 hour

Explorar todas las tecnologías

PythonSQLPower BITableauGoogle SheetsExcelAlteryxAWSDockerSparkShellAzure

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