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Analyzing Marketing Campaigns with pandas

Actualisé 01/2025
Build up your pandas skills and answer marketing questions by merging, slicing, visualizing, and more!
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PythonExploratory Data Analysis4 heures14 vidéos53 exercices4,500 XP27,513Déclaration de réalisation

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Essayer DataCamp for Business

Apprécié par les apprenants de milliers d’entreprises

Description du cours

One of the biggest challenges when studying data science technical skills is understanding how those skills and concepts translate into real jobs. Whether you're looking to level up in your marketing job by incorporating Python and pandas or you're trying to get a handle on what kinds of work a data scientist in a marketing organization might do, this course is a great match for you. We'll practice translating common business questions into measurable outcomes, including "How did this campaign perform?", "Which channel is referring the most subscribers?", "Why is a particular channel underperforming?" and more using a fake marketing dataset based on the data of an online subscription business. This course will build on Python and pandas fundamentals, such as merging/slicing datasets, groupby(), correcting data types and visualizing results using matplotlib.

Conditions préalables

Intermediate Python


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Exploratory Analysis & Summary Statistics

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Conversion Attribution

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Personalization A/B Test

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Analyzing Marketing Campaigns with pandas

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