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Bayesian Data Analysis in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn all about the advantages of Bayesian data analysis, and apply it to a variety of real-world use cases!
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PythonProbability & Statistics4 heures14 vidéos49 exercices4,000 XP12,448Certificat de réussite.

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Essayer DataCamp for Business

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Description du cours

Bayesian data analysis is an increasingly popular method of statistical inference, used to determine conditional probability without having to rely on fixed constants such as confidence levels or p-values. In this course, you’ll learn how Bayesian data analysis works, how it differs from the classical approach, and why it’s an indispensable part of your data science toolbox. You’ll get to grips with A/B testing, decision analysis, and linear regression modeling using a Bayesian approach as you analyze real-world advertising, sales, and bike rental data. Finally, you’ll get hands-on with the PyMC3 library, which will make it easier for you to design, fit, and interpret Bayesian models.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to Statistics in Python

The Bayesian way

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Bayesian estimation

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Bayesian inference

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Bayesian linear regression with pyMC3

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Bayesian Data Analysis in Python

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