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Data Preparation in Alteryx

Actualisé 02/2025
Master data preparation, cleaning, and analysis in Alteryx Designer, whether you are a new or seasoned analyst.
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AlteryxData Preparation3 heures9 vidéos25 exercices1,950 XP3,987Certificat de réussite.

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Description du cours

Embark on a transformative journey through the world of data analytics with our comprehensive course on data preparation in Alteryx. Through engaging content and practical exercises, you will learn the critical importance of preparing and cleansing data for analysis, enabling you to extract more accurate and insightful information from your datasets.

Foundations of Data Preparation

Dive into the essentials of data preparation by understanding the significance of clean data and learning to identify and rectify common data quality issues. This section covers techniques for managing missing values, eliminating redundant data, and understanding data types, laying a solid foundation for more advanced data preparation tasks.

Enhancing Data with Filters and Formulas

Advance your skill set by mastering filtering techniques and the art of writing expressions in Alteryx. You'll explore a range of filters, from basic to custom, and learn how to craft expressions that refine your data for analysis. Additionally, the course delves into the application of formulas, teaching you to utilize pre-structured formulas and write efficient expressions tailored to specific data types, thereby expanding your capabilities in data manipulation.

Data Sampling and Summarization Techniques

The course culminates with strategies for sampling and summarizing data, essential skills for any data analyst. You'll learn various sampling methods to extract meaningful subsets of data and employ numerical and string functions to summarize and derive insights from your datasets.

Upon completing this course, you'll grasp the importance of clean data for analytics, gain practical experience with Alteryx Designer, and acquire skills for intermediate analysis, laying a solid groundwork for your data analytics journey.

Conditions préalables

Introduction to Alteryx

Data Cleaning and Preparation

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Filtering and Using Expressions

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Applying Formulas

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Sampling and Summarizing

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Data Preparation in Alteryx

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Inclus avecPremium or Teams

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