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Analyzing Motorcycle Part Sales

11 révisions
Actualisé 05/2024
Derive insights about motorcycle part sales over time across multiple warehouse sites!
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SQLData ManipulationReporting1 heure1 Task1,500 XP17,005

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Essayer DataCamp for Business

Apprécié par les apprenants de milliers d’entreprises

Description du projet

Analyzing Motorcycle Part Sales

Working on behalf of a company that sells motorcycle parts, you'll dig into their data to help them understand their revenue streams. You'll build up a query to find out how much net revenue they are generating across their product lines, segregating by date and warehouse.

Analyzing Motorcycle Part Sales

Derive insights about motorcycle part sales over time across multiple warehouse sites!
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  • 1

    Review the sales performance of motorcycle part sales.

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De 11 reviews
  • Irene N.
    4 months

    It was a very realistic project

  • Garrett M.
    4 months

    I enjoyed the motorcycle parts sales project, mostly because I have a mechanic background and I feel that helps to transition from mechanic to data analyst.

  • Emily C.
    5 months

    It felt a little too easy based on all the other chapters the course had covered. But overall was an enjoyable exercise.

  • Oluwatobi E.
    10 months

    4.5 of 5

  • Feras T.
    about 1 year

    I solve all question but some question I dont understand what is the request

"It was a very realistic project"

Irene N.

"I enjoyed the motorcycle parts sales project, mostly because I have a mechanic background and I feel that helps to transition from mechanic to data analyst."

Garrett M.

"It felt a little too easy based on all the other chapters the course had covered. But overall was an enjoyable exercise."

Emily C.

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