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Exploring NYC Public School Test Result Scores

47 révisions
Actualisé 09/2024
Use data manipulation and summary statistics to analyze test scores across New York City's public schools!
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Description du projet

Exploring NYC Public School Test Result Scores

Every year, school test results impact the college admissions fate of millions of students. In this project, you will use standardized test performance data from NYC's public schools to identify the schools with top math results, look at how performance varies by borough, and find the city's top ten performing schools!

Exploring NYC Public School Test Result Scores

Use data manipulation and summary statistics to analyze test scores across New York City's public schools!
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  • 1

    Examine New York City's public school SAT results!

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De 47 reviews
  • Daniel R.
    13 days


  • Jason Y.
    26 days

    helpful review with clear questions and learning objectives

  • Omar L.
    about 2 months

    Loved it

  • Carlos M.
    2 months

    This practice helped me reinforce what I have learned about DataFrames.

  • Fawaz D.
    2 months

    The data is very dynamic , i would like to collect such for schools in my locality


Daniel R.

"helpful review with clear questions and learning objectives"

Jason Y.

"Loved it"

Omar L.

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