Préparation des données dans Excel
Apprenez à préparer des données Excel avec fonctions logiques, formules imbriquées, fonctions de recherche.
Suivez de courtes vidéos animées par des instructeurs experts, puis mettez en pratique ce que vous avez appris avec des exercices interactifs dans votre navigateur.
Apprenez à préparer des données Excel avec fonctions logiques, formules imbriquées, fonctions de recherche.
In this interactive Power BI course, you’ll learn how to use Power Query Editor to transform and shape your data to be ready for analysis.
Learn to import data into Python from various sources, such as Excel, SQL, SAS and right from the web.
Learn to diagnose and treat dirty data and develop the skills needed to transform your raw data into accurate insights!
Améliorez vos compétences en matière dimportation de données Python et apprenez à travailler avec des données web et dAPI.
Explorez Excel Power Query pour une transformation et un nettoyage avancés des données afin daméliorer votre prise de décision et votre analyse.
Entrez dans le monde dAlteryx Designer et apprenez à naviguer dans loutil pour charger, préparer et agréger des données.
Bring your Google Sheets to life by mastering fundamental skills such as formulas, operations, and cell references.
Apprenez à récupérer et à analyser des informations provenant dinternet à laide de la bibliothèque Python scrapy.
In this course, you will learn to read CSV, XLS, and text files in R using tools like readxl and data.table.
Learn to clean data as quickly and accurately as possible to help you move from raw data to awesome insights.
Learn to use the KNIME Analytics Platform for data access, cleaning, and analysis with a no-code/low-code approach.
Learn to connect Tableau to different data sources and prepare the data for a smooth analysis.
Building on your foundational Power Query in Excel knowledge, this intermediate course takes you to the next level of data transformation mastery
Learn to acquire data from common file formats and systems such as CSV files, spreadsheets, JSON, SQL databases, and APIs.
Learn how to create a PostgreSQL database and explore the structure, data types, and how to normalize databases.
Learn how to clean data with Apache Spark in Python.
Expand your Google Sheets vocabulary by diving deeper into data types, including numeric data, logical data, and missing data.
Master data preparation, cleaning, and analysis in Alteryx Designer, whether you are a new or seasoned analyst.
Parse data in any format. Whether its flat files, statistical software, databases, or data right from the web.
Learn to tame your raw, messy data stored in a PostgreSQL database to extract accurate insights.
Learn how to efficiently collect and download data from any website using R.
Explore Alteryx Designer in a retail data case study to boost sales analysis and strategic decision-making.
Master marketing analytics using Tableau. Analyze performance, benchmark metrics, and optimize strategies across channels.
Develop the skills you need to clean raw data and transform it into accurate insights.
Make it easy to visualize, explore, and impute missing data with naniar, a tidyverse friendly approach to missing data.
Enhance your KNIME skills with our course on data transformation, column operations, and workflow optimization.
Advance your Alteryx skills with real fitness data to develop targeted marketing strategies and innovative products!