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Importing and Managing Financial Data in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
In this course, you'll learn how to import and manage financial data in Python using various tools and sources.
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PythonApplied Finance5 heures16 vidéos53 exercices4,350 XP42,388Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

If you want to apply your new 'Python for Data Science' skills to real-world financial data, then this course will give you some very valuable tools. First, you will learn how to get data out of Excel into pandas and back. Then, you will learn how to pull stock prices from various online APIs like Google or Yahoo! Finance, macro data from the Federal Reserve, and exchange rates from OANDA. Finally, you will learn how to calculate returns for various time horizons, analyze stock performance by sector for IPOs, and calculate and summarize correlations.

Conditions préalables

Data Manipulation with pandas

Importing stock listing data from Excel

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Importing financial data from the web

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Summarizing your data and visualizing the result

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Aggregating and describing your data by category

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Importing and Managing Financial Data in Python

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