Machine Learning for Business
Actualisé 01/2025TheoryMachine Learning2 heures15 vidéos48 exercices3,200 XP35,497Certificat de réussite.
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Essayer DataCamp for BusinessApprécié par les apprenants de milliers d’entreprises
Description du cours
Learn the Basics of Machine Learning
This course will introduce the key elements of machine learning to the business leaders. We will focus on the key insights and base practices how to structure business questions as modeling projects with the machine learning teams.
Dive into the Model Specifics
You will understand the different types of models, what kind of business questions they help answer, or what kind of opportunities they can uncover, also learn to identify situations where machine learning should NOT be applied, which is equally important. You will understand the difference between inference and prediction, predicting probability and amounts, and how using unsupervised learning can help build meaningful customer segmentation strategy.
Conditions préalables
Il n’y a pas de prérequis pour ce cours1
Machine learning and data use cases
Machine learning types
Business requirements and model design
Managing machine learning projects
Machine Learning for Business
Cours terminé
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Inclus avecPremium or Teams
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