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Feature Engineering with PySpark

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn the gritty details that data scientists are spending 70-80% of their time on; data wrangling and feature engineering.
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SparkData Manipulation4 heures16 vidéos60 exercices5,000 XP15,138Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

The real world is messy and your job is to make sense of it. Toy datasets like MTCars and Iris are the result of careful curation and cleaning, even so the data needs to be transformed for it to be useful for powerful machine learning algorithms to extract meaning, forecast, classify or cluster. This course will cover the gritty details that data scientists are spending 70-80% of their time on; data wrangling and feature engineering. With size of datasets now becoming ever larger, let's use PySpark to cut this Big Data problem down to size!

Conditions préalables

Introduction to PySparkSupervised Learning with scikit-learn

Exploratory Data Analysis

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Wrangling with Spark Functions

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Feature Engineering

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Building a Model

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Feature Engineering with PySpark

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