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Introduction to dbt

Actualisé 01/2025
This course introduces dbt for data modeling, transformations, testing, and building documentation.
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dbtData Engineering4 heures16 vidéos58 exercices4,750 XP11,086Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

dbt, or the data build tool, has taken the data world by storm. This course introduces you to the concepts, terminology, and methods of using dbt to implement an example data warehouse. You'll gain an understanding of what dbt is, when it should be used, and best practices when implementing data warehousing. You will work with real datasets and perform extract, load, and transform operations as implemented in data analyst, data engineering, and analytics engineering roles. Learners will develop the skills to define a data warehouse from scratch, model and transform data, and build tests and documentation! This course will provide you with a solid foundation to build upon in your dbt journey, regardless of the type of data warehouse you intend to implement. Gain confidence about how and when to use dbt by working through exercises using SQL and shell commands.

Conditions préalables

Data Warehousing ConceptsIntroduction to ShellJoining Data in SQL

Welcome to dbt

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Testing & Documentation

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Implementing dbt in production

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Introduction to dbt

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