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Containerization and Virtualization Concepts

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn the essentials of VMs, containers, Docker, and Kubernetes. Understand the differences to get started!
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Description du cours

Docker, containers, Kubernetes, VMs? You've heard these terms before, but you're not quite sure what they mean? In this course, you'll gain the foundational knowledge you need about containerization and virtualization to step up your game in modern software development.

Distinguish between containers and virtual machines

Understand the key differences and choose the right technology for your use case.

Understand Docker and Kubernetes

Learn about Docker, the industry-standard tool for building containers, and explore Kubernetes, the container orchestration platform.

Understand Dockerfiles

Learn how to read the recipes (Dockerfiles) that define your container applications.

Run your first containerized application

Get your hands dirty and run your first containerized application from the command line interface!
In the end, you'll be armed with the knowledge you need to continue your deep dive into Docker and Kubernetes, and to inform your future architectural decisions.

Conditions préalables

Understanding Data Engineering

Foundations of Containerization and Virtualization

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Applications of Containerization

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Containerization and Virtualization Concepts

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