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Machine Learning for Time Series Data in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
This course focuses on feature engineering and machine learning for time series data.
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PythonMachine Learning4 heures13 vidéos53 exercices4,550 XP46,276Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Time series data is ubiquitous. Whether it be stock market fluctuations, sensor data recording climate change, or activity in the brain, any signal that changes over time can be described as a time series. Machine learning has emerged as a powerful method for leveraging complexity in data in order to generate predictions and insights into the problem one is trying to solve. This course is an intersection between these two worlds of machine learning and time series data, and covers feature engineering, spectograms, and other advanced techniques in order to classify heartbeat sounds and predict stock prices.

Conditions préalables

Manipulating Time Series Data in PythonVisualizing Time Series Data in PythonSupervised Learning with scikit-learn

Time Series and Machine Learning Primer

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Time Series as Inputs to a Model

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Predicting Time Series Data

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Validating and Inspecting Time Series Models

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Machine Learning for Time Series Data in Python

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