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Foundations of Functional Programming with purrr

Actualisé 02/2025
Learn to easily summarize and manipulate lists using the purrr package.
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RProgramming4 heures13 vidéos44 exercices3,750 XP10,569Certificat de réussite.

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Description du cours

Lists can be difficult to both understand and manipulate, but they can pack a ton of information and are very powerful. In this course, you will learn to easily extract, summarize, and manipulate lists and how to export the data to your desired object, be it another list, a vector, or even something else! Throughout the course, you will work with the purrr package and a variety of datasets from the repurrrsive package, including data from Star Wars and Wes Anderson films and data collected about GitHub users and GitHub repos. Following this course, your list skills will be purrrfect!

Conditions préalables

Introduction to the TidyverseIntermediate R

Simplifying Iteration and Lists With purrr

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More complex iterations

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Troubleshooting lists with purrr

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Problem solving with purrr

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Foundations of Functional Programming with purrr

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