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Fraud Detection in R

Actualizado 2/2025
Learn to detect fraud with analytics in R.
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RMachine Learning4 horas16 vídeos49 ejercicios3,900 XP7,037Certificado de logros

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Descripción del curso

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimates that fraud costs organizations worldwide $3.7 trillion a year and that a typical company loses five percent of annual revenue due to fraud. Fraud attempts are expected to even increase further in future, making fraud detection highly necessary in most industries. This course will show how learning fraud patterns from historical data can be used to fight fraud. Some techniques from robust statistics and digit analysis are presented to detect unusual observations that are likely associated with fraud. Two main challenges when building a supervised tool for fraud detection are the imbalance or skewness of the data and the various costs for different types of misclassification. We present techniques to solve these issues and focus on artificial and real datasets from a wide variety of fraud applications.


Unsupervised Learning in RSupervised Learning in R: Classification

Introduction & Motivation

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Social network analytics

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Imbalanced class distributions

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Digit analysis and robust statistics

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Fraud Detection in R

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