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Building Recommendation Engines in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn to build recommendation engines in Python using machine learning techniques.
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PythonMachine Learning4 heures16 vidéos60 exercices4,850 XP10,815Certificat de réussite.

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Essayer DataCamp for Business

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Description du cours

We’ve come to expect personalized experiences online—whether it’s Netflix recommending a show or an online retailer suggesting items you might also like to purchase. But how are these suggestions generated? In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know to create your own recommendation engine. Through hands-on exercises, you’ll get to grips with the two most common systems, collaborative filtering and content-based filtering. Next, you’ll learn how to measure similarities like the Jaccard distance and cosine similarity, and how to evaluate the quality of recommendations on test data using the root mean square error (RMSE). By the end of this course, you’ll have built your very own movie recommendation engine and be able to apply your Python skills to create these systems for any industry.

Conditions préalables

Supervised Learning with scikit-learn

Introduction to Recommendation Engines

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Content-Based Recommendations

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Collaborative Filtering

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Matrix Factorization and Validating Your Predictions

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Building Recommendation Engines in Python

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