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Data Visualization in Tableau

Actualisé 01/2025
Data visualization is one of the most desired skills for data analysts. This course allows you to present your findings better using Tableau.
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TableauData Visualization6 heures17 vidéos56 exercices4,700 XP13,752Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Becoming a Data Analyst

Data visualization is one of the most desired skills for data analysts, allowing them to communicate insights in an understandable and impactful way. This course covers a range of data visualization skills using Tableau, allowing you to better present your findings. If you’re interested in data visualization or if you struggle to make your insights “land” with your stakeholders, then this course is for you.

Discover How to Use Data Visualization

You’ll start by revisiting some of the core principles of visualizing data before learning the basics of Tableau, looking at how you can use the software to transform your data into something impactful. You’ll cover some of the data visualization best practices, as well as focus on how to make your Tableau dashboards interactive and appealing. As you progress, you’ll explore how to spatial data to chart maps and non-geo use cases.

Learn to Communicate Insights

Communicating your insights visually will increase the understanding and retention of your information and create more impact. In this course, you will progress from basic data visualization skills toward advanced and custom-made charts, including Waffle charts, DNA charts, and a Sankey charts. You’ll learn how to accentuate insights and how to render information beautiful and useful at the same time. And all this while working on interesting datasets such as IMDB Movies or Airbnb data. Let’s visualize!

Conditions préalables

Analyzing Data in Tableau

Start to Visualize

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Best Practices in Data Visualization

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Maps and Spatial Visualizations

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Information is Beautiful – Expanding your Charting Toolbox

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Data Visualization in Tableau

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Inclus avecPremium or Teams

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