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Designing Machine Learning Workflows in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn to build pipelines that stand the test of time.
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PythonMachine Learning4 heures16 vidéos51 exercices4,200 XP10,840Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

Deploying machine learning models in production seems easy with modern tools, but often ends in disappointment as the model performs worse in production than in development. This course will give you four superpowers that will make you stand out from the data science crowd and build pipelines that stand the test of time: how to exhaustively tune every aspect of your model in development; how to make the best possible use of available domain expertise; how to monitor your model in performance and deal with any performance deterioration; and finally how to deal with poorly or scarcely labelled data. Digging deep into the cutting edge of sklearn, and dealing with real-life datasets from hot areas like personalized healthcare and cybersecurity, this course reveals a view of machine learning from the frontline.

Conditions préalables

Python ToolboxUnsupervised Learning in PythonSupervised Learning with scikit-learn

The Standard Workflow

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The Human in the Loop

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Model Lifecycle Management

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Unsupervised Workflows

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Designing Machine Learning Workflows in Python

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