Introduction to Spark with sparklyr in R
Actualisé 02/2025SparkData Engineering4 heures4 vidéos50 exercices4,600 XP19,272Certificat de réussite.
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Description du cours
Explore the Advantages of R, Spark, and sparklyr
R is mostly optimized to help you write data analysis code quickly and readably. Apache Spark is designed to analyze huge datasets quickly. The sparklyr package lets you write dplyr R code that runs on a Spark cluster, giving you the best of both worlds. This 4-hour course teaches you how to manipulate Spark DataFrames using both the dplyr interface and the native interface to Spark, as well as trying machine learning techniques.Load Data into Spark and Manipulate Spark DataFrames
You’ll start this Spark course by investigating how Spark and R work well together and practicing loading data, ready for cleaning, transformation, and analysis. You’ll use Spark frames and dplyr syntax to manipulate your data by filtering and arranging rows, and mutating and summarizing columns.Delve into Big Data Analysis with Spark MLib
This course focuses on building your skills and confidence in analyzing huge datasets. The final chapters take you through Spark’s machine learning data transformation features and offer you the chance to practice sparklyr’s machine learning routines by using it to make predictions using gradient boosted trees and random forests. "Conditions préalables
Supervised Learning in R: Regression1
Light My Fire: Starting To Use Spark With dplyr Syntax
Tools of the Trade: Advanced dplyr Usage
Going Native: Use The Native Interface to Manipulate Spark DataFrames
Case Study: Learning to be a Machine: Running Machine Learning Models on Spark
Introduction to Spark with sparklyr in R
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