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Preprocessing for Machine Learning in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn how to clean and prepare your data for machine learning!
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PythonMachine Learning4 heures20 vidéos62 exercices4,700 XP52,887Certificat de réussite.

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Description du cours

This course covers the basics of how and when to perform data preprocessing. This essential step in any machine learning project is when you get your data ready for modeling. Between importing and cleaning your data and fitting your machine learning model is when preprocessing comes into play. You'll learn how to standardize your data so that it's in the right form for your model, create new features to best leverage the information in your dataset, and select the best features to improve your model fit. Finally, you'll have some practice preprocessing by getting a dataset on UFO sightings ready for modeling.

Conditions préalables

Cleaning Data in PythonSupervised Learning with scikit-learn

Introduction to Data Preprocessing

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Standardizing Data

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Feature Engineering

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Selecting Features for Modeling

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Putting It All Together

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Preprocessing for Machine Learning in Python

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