Python for MATLAB Users
Actualisé 01/2025PythonProgramming4 heures15 vidéos51 exercices4,200 XP7,347Certificat de réussite.
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Description du cours
Transition from Matlab to Python
Python is a versatile programming language that is becoming more and more popular for doing data science. Companies worldwide are using Python to harvest insights from their data and get a competitive edge. This course focuses on helping Matlab users learn to use Python specifically for data science. You will quickly learn how to migrate from Matlab to Python for data analysis and visualization.Explore NumPY and Matplotlib Libraries
Learn the fundamentals of Python syntax, and how to use NumPy arrays to store and manipulate data. You will learn how to use matplotlib to discover trends, correlations, and patterns in real datasets, including bicycle traffic in the city of Seattle and avocado prices across the United States.Learn to Use If, Else, and Elif in Python
In the final chapters, you’ll learn how to control your Python flow. You’ll look at how to use a variety of Python contingencies such as if, else, and elif, as well as comparison operators to define which lines of your code will be executed.By the end of this course, you’ll have a fundamental understanding of Python, its popular dictionaries and libraries, and hands-on experience in using both so you can confidently apply your new skills to your work, personal projects, or further learning.
Conditions préalables
Il n’y a pas de prérequis pour ce cours1
From MATLAB to Python
NumPy and Matplotlib
Dictionaries and pandas
Control Flow and Loops
Python for MATLAB Users
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