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Reshaping Data with tidyr

Actualisé 01/2025
Transform almost any dataset into a tidy format to make analysis easier.
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RData Manipulation4 heures15 vidéos54 exercices4,650 XP18,674Certificat de réussite.

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Description du cours

Data in the wild can be scary—when confronted with a complicated and messy dataset you may find yourself wondering, where do I even start? The tidyr package allows you to wrangle such beasts into nice and tidy datasets. Inaccessible values stored in column names will be put into rows, JSON files will become data frames, and missing values will never go missing again. You'll practice these techniques on a wide range of messy datasets, learning along the way how many dogs the Soviet Union sent into space and what bird is most popular in New Zealand. With the tidyr package in your tidyverse toolkit, you'll be able to transform almost any dataset in a tidy format which will pay-off during the rest of your analysis.

Conditions préalables

Data Manipulation with dplyr

Tidy Data

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From Wide to Long and Back

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Expanding Data

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Rectangling Data

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Reshaping Data with tidyr

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