Time Series Analysis in Power BI
Actualisé 02/2025Power BIData Visualization5 heures13 vidéos36 exercices2,950 XP3,578Certificat de réussite.
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Description du cours
Analyze Time-Series Data With Power BI
You've taken datasets and analyzed them from every possible angle, but did you know that there is one dimension that every analysis shares in common? That's right; it's time! Have you ever thought about how your data varies over time as well?Practice Common Analysis Techniques
In this Time Series Analysis in Power BI course, you will work with two different datasets and practice common techniques to analyze data over time. You will start by analyzing Superstoredata for Point of Sale (PoS) data across various locations and times, where you will calculate changes with different kinds of window, period-to-date, and period-over-period functions.Use Built-In and DAX Algorithms
Then, you will dive into financial data from Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) and see how we can forecast data into the future, using both built-in and DAX algorithms to do so.Following the course, you will have a well-rounded toolkit to tackle time series data and master the fourth dimension.
Conditions préalables
Exploratory Data Analysis in Power BIIntermediate DAX in Power BI1
Introduction to time series data
Working with window functions
Looking ahead with forecasting
Time Series Analysis in Power BI
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