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Customer Analytics and A/B Testing in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn how to use Python to create, run, and analyze A/B tests to make proactive business decisions.
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PythonProbability & Statistics4 heures16 vidéos49 exercices3,750 XP31,621Déclaration de réalisation

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Description du cours

The most successful companies today are the ones that know their customers so well that they can anticipate their needs. Customer analytics and in particular A/B Testing are crucial parts of leveraging quantitative know-how to help make business decisions that generate value. This course covers the ins and outs of how to use Python to analyze customer behavior and business trends as well as how to create, run, and analyze A/B tests to make proactive, data-driven business decisions.

Conditions préalables

Data Manipulation with pandasIntroduction to Functions in Python

Key Performance Indicators: Measuring Business Success

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Exploring and Visualizing Customer Behavior

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The Design and Application of A/B Testing

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Analyzing A/B Testing Results

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Customer Analytics and A/B Testing in Python

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