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Data Privacy and Anonymization in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn to process sensitive information with privacy-preserving techniques.
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PythonMachine Learning4 heures16 vidéos49 exercices3,850 XP3,036Certificat de réussite.

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Description du cours

Data privacy has never been more important. But how do you balance privacy with the need to gather and share valuable business insights? In this course, you'll learn how to do just that, using the same methods as Google and Amazon—including data generalization and privacy models, like k-Anonymity and differential privacy. In addition to touching on topics such as GDPR, you'll also discover how to build and train machine learning models in Python while protecting users’ sensitive information such as employee and income data. Let’s get started!

Conditions préalables

Unsupervised Learning in Python

Introduction to Data Privacy

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More on Privacy-Preserving Techniques

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Differential Privacy

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Anonymizing and Releasing Datasets

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Data Privacy and Anonymization in Python

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