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Introduction to MongoDB in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn to manipulate and analyze flexibly structured data with MongoDB.
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PythonData Engineering4 heures16 vidéos60 exercices4,450 XP20,731Certificat de réussite.

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Description du cours

MongoDB is a tool to explore data structured as you see fit. As a NoSQL database, it doesn't follow the strict relational format imposed by SQL. By providing capabilities that typically require adding layers to SQL, it collapses complexity. With dynamic schema, you can handle vastly different data together and consolidate analytics. The flexibility of MongoDB empowers you to keep improving and fix issues as your requirements evolve. In this course, you will learn the MongoDB language and apply it to search and analytics. Working with unprocessed data from the official API, you will explore and answer questions about Nobel Laureates and prizes.

Conditions préalables

Python ToolboxData Types in PythonNoSQL Concepts

Flexibly Structured Data

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Working with Distinct Values and Sets

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Get Only What You Need, and Fast

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Aggregation Pipelines: Let the Server Do It For You

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Introduction to MongoDB in Python

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