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NoSQL Concepts

Actualisé 01/2025
In this conceptual course (no coding required), you will learn about the four major NoSQL databases and popular engines.
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SQLData Engineering2 heures17 vidéos54 exercices4,550 XP14,342Certificat de réussite.

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Essayer DataCamp for Business

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Description du cours

Confused about NoSQL and how it differs from SQL? You've come to the right place! In this conceptual course (no coding required), you’ll be introduced tolearn the four major NoSQL databases, including Key-Value, Document, Column-Family, and Graph. You’ll learn about four popular NoSQL engines—including Redis, MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, and Neo4j—and when to apply them to achieve a specific business requirement. You’ll follow the data escapades of a fictional social network and learn how NoSQL can help them handle and extract insights from unstructured data like social posts. Lastly, you’ll study real use cases of when NoSQL databases were used—giving you the knowledge you need to effectively store data in any situation.

Conditions préalables

Database Design

Key-value databases

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Document databases

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Column family databases

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Graph databases

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NoSQL Concepts

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