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Practicing Coding Interview Questions in Python

Actualisé 01/2025
Prepare for your next coding interviews in Python.
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PythonProgramming4 heures16 vidéos61 exercices5,050 XP24,802Certificat de réussite.

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Description du cours

Coding interviews can be challenging. You might be asked questions to test your knowledge of a programming language. On the other side, you can be given a task to solve in order to check how you think. And when you are interviewed for a data scientist position, it's likely you can be asked on the corresponding tools available for the language. In either of the cases, to get a cool position as a data scientist, you need to do a little work to perform the best. That's why it's very important to practice in order to prove your expertise! This course serves as a guide for those who just start their path to become a professional data scientist and as a refresher for those who seek for other opportunities. We'll go through fundamental as well as advanced topics that aim to prepare you for a coding interview in Python. Since it is not a normal step-by-step course, some exercises can be quite complex. But who said that interviews are easy to pass, right?

Conditions préalables

Python ToolboxRegular Expressions in PythonData Manipulation with pandas

Python Data Structures and String Manipulation

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Iterable objects and representatives

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Functions and lambda expressions

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Python for scientific computing

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Practicing Coding Interview Questions in Python

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