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Introduction to Portfolio Analysis in Python

Actualisé 02/2025
Learn how to calculate meaningful measures of risk and performance, and how to compile an optimal portfolio for the desired risk and return trade-off.
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PythonApplied Finance4 heures15 vidéos52 exercices4,200 XP17,292Certificat de réussite.

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Description du cours

Have you ever had wondered whether an investment fund is actually a good investment? Or compared two investment options and asked what the difference between the two is? What does the risk indicator of these funds even mean? Or do you frequently work with financial data in your daily job and you want to get an edge? In this course, you’re going to get familiar with the exciting world of investing, by learning about portfolios, risk and return, and how to critically analyze them. By working on actual historical stock data, you’ll learn how to calculate meaningful measures of risk, how to break-down performance, and how to calculate an optimal portfolio for the desired risk and return trade-off. After this course, you’ll be able to make data-driven decisions when it comes to investing and have a better understanding of investment portfolios.

Conditions préalables

Manipulating Time Series Data in PythonIntermediate Python for Finance

Introduction to Portfolio Analysis

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Risk and Return

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Performance Attribution

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Portfolio Optimization

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Introduction to Portfolio Analysis in Python

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