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Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)

Actualisé 02/2025
Build the foundation you need to think statistically and to speak the language of your data.
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PythonProbability & Statistics3 heures18 vidéos61 exercices4,550 XP181,546Certificat de réussite.

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Description du cours

After all of the hard work of acquiring data and getting them into a form you can work with, you ultimately want to make clear, succinct conclusions from them. This crucial last step of a data analysis pipeline hinges on the principles of statistical inference. In this course, you will start building the foundation you need to think statistically, speak the language of your data, and understand what your data is telling you. The foundations of statistical thinking took decades to build, but can be grasped much faster today with the help of computers. With the power of Python-based tools, you will rapidly get up-to-speed and begin thinking statistically by the end of this course.

Conditions préalables

Python Toolbox

Graphical Exploratory Data Analysis

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Quantitative Exploratory Data Analysis

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Thinking Probabilistically-- Discrete Variables

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Thinking Probabilistically-- Continuous Variables

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Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)

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