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Introduction to Anomaly Detection in R

Actualisé 01/2025
Learn statistical tests for identifying outliers and how to use sophisticated anomaly scoring algorithms.
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Description du cours

Are you concerned about inaccurate or suspicious records in your data, but not sure where to start? An anomaly detection algorithm could help! Anomaly detection is a collection of techniques designed to identify unusual data points, and are crucial for detecting fraud and for protecting computer networks from malicious activity. In this course, you'll explore statistical tests for identifying outliers, and learn to use sophisticated anomaly scoring algorithms like the local outlier factor and isolation forest. You'll apply anomaly detection algorithms to identify unusual wines in the UCI Wine quality dataset and also to detect cases of thyroid disease from abnormal hormone measurements.

Conditions préalables

Intermediate R

Statistical outlier detection

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Distance and density based anomaly detection

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Isolation forest

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Comparing performance

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Introduction to Anomaly Detection in R

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